Teren, autoturism, echipamente (Leasing Rom)
The auctions are held weekly, on thursday , at 13 p.m ( for Porsche Cayenne and field ) and at 14 p.m ( for millstone scale ) .
Fabrică mezeluri, clădiri şi terenuri (Florelia)
The auctions are held monthly, on wednesday (the meat factory) and weekly (buildings and vehicles ) , at 13 p.m.
Fermă, abator, mijloace de transport, utilaje, echipamente (Flavoia)
The auctions are held every two weeks, on thursday at 14 p.m.
Teren (Giovanela Trans)
Terenuri (Eurorad)
The auctions are held weekly, on thursday, at 14 p.m.
Casă/Vilă (Glacial)
The auction is held every two weeks, on tuesday, at 15 p.m.
Autoturisme şi obiecte de inventar (Ormester Security Ro)
Cars and inventory items